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An Effective Relief Society Newsletter

When I was serving as secretary in our local Relief Society, up until two weeks ago, one of my responsibilities was to send out our weekly newsletter to the sisters in our ward. Our president came upon a great service called MadMimi. It is an online newsletter service with an easy to use creation dashboard, and a clean, streamlined appearance to the actual newsletters. Here is a screenshot sampling of what our weekly newsletter looks like...
Click Image to Enlarge
Click Image to Enlarge
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Click Image to Enlarge

We are able to add all our sisters' email addresses and it sends the newsletter straight to their email.  I have had a few people ask me about the headings we use.  I created them in photoshop and have included them for download. The folder includes all the section headings as well as headings for each month's birthdays, and the cover of the current Teachings of the Presidents of the Church.

Click HERE to download the entire folder.

**I do not have any affiliation or sponsorship from It is just a great website/service!


The Magic of the Front Porch

I officially have a new favorite place to take pictures of my front porch. The light there is truly magical. Happy Monday!